Monday, 3 March 2008

Alex s Card for Fe Fe as promised.

Here is the card that Alex made for our good friend Fe Fe.
Alex used the "kitty litter stamp, watercolour pencils & variious cute green embellishments....You also might just be able to make out the name he wrote in red pencil crayon.


Tassy said...

Hi Sharon!
This is so sweet!!!bless him!Sharon,I wanted your email add as I cannot seem to find it in my address book.Yeah, my email does that to me at times...I have something to ask you, so can you please leave me a comment or email me on please?

Fe-Fe said...

Thank you for my card Alex. As I've been feeling really poorly your card cheered me up.
Fe x

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Oh my goodness . . . Alex, this is fantastic, and I bet you made Fiona's day with this gorgeous card! WOW! Simply adorable!