Children back at school!
It has and is still proving to be very stressful.
As I have mentioned before in this blog, we are having problems with both our boys at school.
The first problem I talked about; my youngest son Alex, his eczema and the schools refusal to administer prescribed creams to areas of eczema flare up!
The meeting with the head was on Friday,in short it did not go well, they are so stubborn and unhelpful. Their arguments did not hold water because they were quoting from the very same council policy I was, but what they quoted at me was just a small part of this very large document. I however quoted many parts that back up my argument!! Anyway I now know I have a fight on my hands, and have set the ball rolling to take this matter further!I have it on very good authority that their refusal can be interpreted as discriminatory.A road that they really do not want to go down!
The second issue concerning my eldest son who has just turned 11. As I have mentioned before in this blog, he has mild learning difficulties, his year 5 report was awful. Basically implying that Tommy is 2 years behind through his own doing and that we as his parents are to blame!
I have tried to get an appointment to speak about this issue.I informed the head that I was not happy with his yr5 report and needed to speak to her, she on Friday glibly said that she oked that report and "it was fine!" and again implied that we did not know our son, that there was more to him than we knew!!! what that's supposed to mean I dread to think!
Tommy has an IEP and Speech & language Therapy in school.
and through desperation I have a personal home tutor lined up to help him. (seen as the school think that they are above reproach!)
Anyway ... watch this space!
This is the reason I have not been able to do any crafting namely the latest papercraft junkies challenge 4, which I have lots of ideas for! sods law me thinks!! lol
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